Welcome Hungry Locavores!
Hungry for fresh, wholesome, locally grown and sourced food?
Ready to support your local farmers, restaurants & artisans?
Looking to add some excitement to your weekly food routine?
YESSS! Then you are in the right place!

We Are Your Local Food Collective
The Hungry Locavore is a local food project designed to benefit our local community, our local businesses and our environment. Our mission is to connect our hungry locavore customers to the most local, fresh and wholesome food that we can find and in doing so, support our local economy and protect our home planet.
In essence, we are a CSAA (Community Shared Agriculture & Artisans). Like a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)... but with several twists!
The FLEXIBILITY twist: Most CSAs require a commitment to sign up for the entire growing season. The Hungry Locavore provides the ultimate flexibility with a weekly sign-up. Still have a pantry or fridge full of food from last week’s share? Then give it a miss this week. Heading out of town? No problem. Not so keen on the menu this week? We understand. You can pick and choose which shares are right for you.
The DIVERSITY twist: Most CSAs require a commitment to ONE local farm. The Hungry Locavore believes in sharing the love and building a network of circular economies between farms, farm-to-table restaurants and artisans. By signing up for our shares, you will be supporting up to 15 different local businesses each week! The benefits are far-reaching and allow us to grow stronger together in a way that proves teamwork really does make the dream work.
The FOODIE twist: Most CSAs offer produce items only; some may throw a few dry goods into the mix. The Hungry Locavore is geared to the Foodie crowd in that we feature prepared dishes and desserts along with our fresh produce. Broaden your mind and treat your tastebuds to some new flavors! Our community is diverse in ethnicities and culture, and at The Hungry Locavore we celebrate that. We seek out local chefs and restaurants in line with our local food mission who can bring international cuisines to our share. We are passionate about curating themed menus that highlight and explore different tastes and methods of food preparation from all areas of the globe. Ready for a foodie adventure? Then jump on board!